V-Guard Solar Water Heater

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Every household utilizes power for its day-to-day needs; the range of needs might vary but the regular utility amongst many households is for their morning activities. The morning activities range over many aspects, the most important one is the bathing activity of the entire family. Every family member will have a hot water bath to begin their day; this is a natural phenomenon across India and the globe. Mornings should preferably be pleasant and smooth, with reliable solar water heaters, mornings invariably become pleasant and relaxing.


  • Inner tank made from premium grade stainless steel ( SS 304 L) ensures a long-lasting life
  • A Product from ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company
  • Save on electricity and fuel charges
  • Advanced technology at a competitive rate
  • High-quality PUF insulation to minimize heat loss of stored water
  • Compact size and lightweight, easy to install and transport
  • 3 layered vacuum tubes are made from Borosilicate to minimize heat loss and for maximum heat absorption

Supreme with its state-of-the-art and modern technology builds some of the best and reliable solar water heaters, these heaters make every sun ray count and relentlessly provide hot running water. Solar Water Heaters come with ISO certification and they are built using the latest and best available technologies from the industry.

Supreme Solar Products builds a variety of Solar Water Heaters by adopting different types of advanced and latest technologies that are industry-relevant. The different types of Solar Water Heaters are Glass Lined Solar Water Heater, ETC Solar Water Heater, and FPC Solar Water Heater. The primary and most important technology derivable and objective of the Solar Water Heaters is to make every sun ray count – convert every sun ray into useful energy.

Supreme Solar Products builds aesthetically adorable solar products, the glass-lines, solar panels, and tubes are perfectly positioned to give an appealing look on top of the terrace. Solar Water Heaters are eco-friendly, low on maintenance, easy to install, durable for a lifetime, and are extremely energy-efficient, the solar water heaters save over 70% of the electricity bills. As renewable energy is the only sustainable option left for the future, solar water heaters and its associated technologies are the only option available to secure the future


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